The 11th ATP will apply from December 1st 2019!

Posted By: Trace One

The 11th ATP will apply from December 1st 2019The 11th ATP of CLP

On the 16th of April 2018, Regulation (UE) n. 2018/669 has been published on the Official Journal of the European Union.

This regulation, also known as the 11th ATP, updates Regulation 1272/2008 (CLP) by adding a translation for the chemical names of harmonised substances. This translation is available in all 23 European languages, meaning that this update now provides an official translation of the chemical names for harmonised substances.

The 11th ATP shall apply from December 1st 2019. This regulation is mandatory in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States with no derogation period.

For Trace One SDS Authoring Professional customer, the datapackage with the translation in all European languages of substances names is already available

For Trace One Devex PLM and Trace One SDS Authoring Corporate customers, we suggest consulting with you project manager regarding methods and timing for the update.

For more information, please consider reading the full text of the regulation at the following link:

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