Health Canada’s PMRA Publishes New Limits for Four Pesticides in the MRL Database

| Health Canada | Contaminants & Pesticides | MRLs
Posted By: Baviya Priyadharshini

canadaOn August 16, 22 and 26, Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) released four new amendments for the List of Pesticides such as Pyrimethanil (PMRL2018-10), Abamectin (PMRL2018-11), Pydiflumetofen (PMRL2018-15) and Fludioxonil (PMRL2018-16) in the Maximum Residue Limit database for some food categories.

The MRL’s for the Pesticide Pydiflumetofen (PMRL2018-15) is introduced for the first time for the food category in Canada.

The Maximum Residue Limits for all pesticides can be found here.