Japan Amends Specifications and Standards for Foods, Food Additives etc. – February 2020

| Food Safety | Japan
Posted By: Irene Piao

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On February 25, 2020, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare - MHLW (厚生労働省) of Japan has published new amendments regarding multiple substances to be regulated on food commodities:

  • Partial Amendment of Specifications And Standards for Foods, Food additives, etc. (MHLW No. 0225 No. 1 of 2020): restrictions are applied for the pesticides afidopyropen, oxpoconazole fumarate, salinomycin, fluazinam, flubendiamide.
  • Partial Amendment of Specifications And Standards for Foods, Food additives, etc. (MHLW Notification No. 41 of 2020): changes affect aviramycin, aphidopylopen, oxine copper, fluginam and more.

Changes are effective from the date of publication.

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